The Polytech Experiment

By Qamryn Askew
Preserving Our Narratives: Poly’s Asian Student Union Goes to Maryland APISAC

By Salloni Gill
Poly vs City Basketball Recap
Author: Daniel Bowden Editors: Arman Ataei Kachoei, Armin Ataei Kachoei Publisher: Brandon Isbell As always seen between both schools inside and outside the classroom, Poly and City battled it out on the court this past Friday. The fierce competitive and passionate nature between both schools was put to the test in their JV and Varsity […]
Poly Press Winter 2024
Use the navigation bar at the bottom of the pdf to move between pages.

Diving into success, Poly’s Swim Team showcases collective strength and strategy in their recent victories, setting the stage for a promising season.
Poly (Might) be Relocating in 2 Years. Here’s What You Can Do

In two years, the Poly/Western campus will be renovated and either one or both of the schools will be required to move to a swing space. Baltimore City Schools is still deciding how the renovation plan will take place and is requesting input from students and parents. Please read the below letter and take the […]
Club Fair Map 2023

On the day of the club fair (Tuesday, Sep 19), the tables will be marked with paper printouts of the numbers, so each club knows where to set up. Set up will take place at the very beginning of advisory (10 mins). Each club will send down two representatives to set up their table.
Clubs Catalogue (Fall 2023)

The 2023 Clubs Catalogue contains a comprehensive list of active clubs at Poly for you to join!
Film Showcase (Ad)

Yearbook 2023: Last Chance!