We ‘Smelt’ It – Who Dealt It? 

By: Khi’Lynn Francis, Kayla Green, and Eden Kurz

A gas leak happens when natural gas leaks from a pipeline into any area where the gas should not be present. Even a small leak can gradually build up into an explosive amount of gas. Leaks can also kill vegetation and release powerful and deadly gasses into the atmosphere. In August, Baltimore Polytechnic Institute had its first gas leak before school had opened for students, having all staff evacuated for over 2 hours during professional development. On September 13, 2024, Poly suspected another gas leak in the school. Then, 3 days later, on September 16, 2024, Poly suffered another suspected gas leak again, making the administration question the safety of Poly [and Western]. Baltimore City Schools had been back in the building for less than a month and students had already evacuated twice within a week.

Gas leaks can be very dangerous and deadly. When natural gas is released, it can lead to asphyxiation, which causes unconsciousness and even death. According to an article written by Penelope Blackwell, “Gas leaks in Baltimore are costing taxpayers millions.” Blackwell states, “An increasing number of natural gas leaks have been reported in Baltimore,” causing explosions, and deaths, as well as lots of money being lost.
Through talking with the staff, many were concerned when two evacuations happened so close together and left so many questions unanswered. There was clearly a serious problem when the cafeteria’s kitchen was closed for several days to fix the leak. One of the biggest impacts was felt in the lunchroom where snacks replaced hot lunches for several days without any communication to families.

Bsant Mohamed, an 11th grader, felt as though the procedure of evacuation due to the gas leaks interrupted our school/learning process and is beginning to become a problem. Molly Harburger remembers experiencing symptoms such as a headache and dizziness on the day of the second evacuation, she claims other students experienced similar symptoms along with her. Students evacuated the building and sat in the bleachers of the Poly and Western shared football field for over an hour before going back into the building and continuing lessons that day. The first gas leak had happened a couple of weeks before the one on the 13th, over the summer before students were back for the school year. To our knowledge, neither students nor parents were informed of the first incident until after the second one had occurred when students were back in session.

September 16th, 2024, [just] 3 days after the second report, students had to evacuate the school [yet again] due to another suspected gas leak in Western High School, which shares a building with Baltimore Polytechnic Institute. Later that day, parents and students were informed that the odor was a “strong fragrance” used on the first floor of Western High School. Harburger states she feels as though the gas leaks should have been taken more seriously and that admin and students should have been dismissed by the district on the days there were gas leaks for extra caution and prevention of more gas leaks.
BGE has “confirmed” with administration that the problem is fixed. Mr. Adelberg states that these have been the only gas leaks known at Polytechnic and Western High School; “Students should not be concerned for their safety. BGE came and fixed it and they say everything is good now.” The third evacuation was caused because of a strong odor coming from Western, not due to another gas leak. The Poly administrators were told by Western that this was the cause but were not able to do a personal investigation.

Finally, an anonymous Poly parent explains that parents were not informed by BCPSS of the first gas leak at all, and the second gas leak was not communicated until the end of the day due to district communications requirements.“The students should have been let out on those days. I am speaking for a child who has asthma with which gasses and strong smells are triggering.”



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