Class Of 2024: Running Update Page

Your constantly updated source of information about the Class of 2024!

Your Constantly Updated Source for CO 2024 Information

Hello and Welcome to the CO 2024 information article. This article will be updated on a weekly basis with the most recent information for Poly Juniors, coming straight from your class secretary. Urgent information will also be added between weeks. 

A few reminders: 

Make sure to join the CO 2024 Google Classroom for voting, dues reminders, and announcements. Code is r4dxnjl.

Make sure to follow @bpico2024 on Instagram for fundraiser and event info.

If you have questions, comments, or complaints for your class officers you can fill out the Class Officer contact form here.

Updates for April 20th, 2023

  • Prom is May 20th at the Belvedere Hotel! If you’re going to attend, fill out the form on google classrooom so we can get an accurate count. 
  • Prom tickets are $10 for those who payed dues. You must pay dues to attend. Tickets for guests are $50 and you must fill out the guest form. 
  • Prom Royal Court sign ups are OPEN! Find the form on google classroom, it is due May 1. 
  • Spirit Fair is April 28th and the Class of 2024 will have a fundraising booth with a Dunk Tank! If you’re interested in being a volunteer, you can sign up on google classroom. 
  • We are also having a Juniors V Seniors Basketball Game during spirit fair. Make sure to bring money the day of to buy a ticket. 
  • The class trip is to Rehobeth Beach! Fill out the google form on GC to indicate attendence so we can make sure we have enough spots.
  • Finally, the SAT is April 25th. Bring sharpened #2 pencils (not mechanical) and get a good nights rest. Best of luck to all of you!

That’s all for now everyone! Have a wonderful 3 day weekend!

Updates for February 22, 2023

  • The Class Trip Revote form is live NOW on google classroom. It will not be accepting responses after March 1. You get to choose between a trip to Rehobeth Beach and a NYC Day Trip, read the form description for more details. 
  • Prom is May 20th at the Belvedere Hotel. You MUST pay your dues to attend. 
  • Your full value in dues is required to be in by March 10. They will not be accepted late, you must pay dues in full to attend Prom. 
  • The Administration also requires students to be in good academic standing and have quality attendance in order to attend Prom. 
  • Tickets for Prom Guests can be purchased from Ms.Torres or Mr.Queen after March 10.
  • Mock AP exam registration opens on March 13. They will take place from 9:00-12:00 on April 21
  • Mr.Green sent out an email to all Juniors with a form for SAT registration. You must fill this out to take the in-school SAT. 
  • Juniors are required to take the SAT (in or out of school) at least once, if your scores are not sufficient you will be required to take College-Readiness English or Math, which take away your electives.
  • See your counselor for SAT or ACT waivers. 
  • Transcript release forms for College Applications will be coming out soon. Make sure to have these filled out by the end of the year.

That’s all for now folks! Have a wonderful rest of your week!

Updates for February 5, 2023

  • The next installment of dues has been pushed back to February 10th, which is this Friday. The dues will be $75 for this installement.
  • CO 2024 will be having a pizza sale this Friday and preorders will be avalible on Monday and Wednesday during advisory. Preorders can also be taken through the CO 2024 Instagram page. 
  • Class Officers will be meeting this Wednesday, if you have any questions or concerns please fill out the google form by Tuesday night or find a class officer in the hall to get your concern placed on the agenda. 
  • The tentative date for Prom is May 20th. 
  • The planned location for Prom is The Belevdere Grand Ballroom
  • CO 2024 is still selling snacks at Boys Basketball games. Thank you to everyone who has supported us so far!
  • Class officers will be visiting advisories on Monday before Parrot Time to share information.
  • Class of 2024 will be having a Valentines Day fundraiser, more info to come. 
  • Course Request Sheets for Juniors should have been turned in last Friday. If you haven’t gotten yours or haven’t turned yours in make sure to get it in ASAP for priority scheduling. 

That’s all for now folks! See you tomorrow!

Updates for January 22 2023: 

  • The next installment of class dues is $75 and due by February 3. These will help us put a down payment on our prom venue. 
  • The tentative date for prom is Saturday, May 20th. (Personal reccomendation for all my fashion-oriented students: Start looking at outfits NOW and order them at least a month in advance so you have time to get things tailored and find accessories.)
  • The planned location for Prom is The Belevedere Hotel Grand Ballroom. 
  • Class Officers will begin visiting advisories on a regular basis to deliver information and reminders. 
  • CO 2024 will begin selling snacks at all Poly Boys’ Basketball Games. Come support us and the team!

That’s all for announcements this week. See you all on Tuesday!



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