As students begin returning from the break, the first words they hear are; “Midterms are here!”. But weren’t midterms called off this year? In spite of the rumors about midterms, Baltimore City Public Schools (BCPSS) has brought them back to all high schools across the city. Beginning the week of Monday, January 9th midterms will be distributed in all classes. However, fear not! This article is here! We’ll be discussing tips and strategies to prepare you for success.

Studying is key to how you perform on your tests. However, many of you didn’t come here to be told to study, especially because you probably don’t have the time. Instead, you can review topics from this quarter and look through previous work. During this time, if you find a topic that’s harder to grasp, you can focus on it using sites like YouTube, Khan academy, and Quizlet.
Although studying at any time is great, if time is limited, I would recommend studying before bed. Studies have shown that materials viewed before bed are easier to retain. It has been stated that, during sleep any information you study beforehand will be able to consolidate better.
Studying is great, but adequate sleep is also essential in order to concentrate properly on your midterms. It is highly recommended that you give yourself 30 minutes before bed to calm down, to help prepare you mentally for the testing environment.
Now that it is the morning of the test, all you can do is stress and hope that all goes well right? No. Starting your day off by preparing your mind and body is just as important as studying and getting eight hours of sleep. A few ways to wake your mind up include, listening to calming music, practicing breathing exercises, and giving yourself positive affirmations. After all of this, make sure you grab a healthy breakfast to fuel your brain during the tests. If a proper breakfast is hard to achieve, it is recommended to at least grab something. Also, don’t forget to bring two #2 pencils!
Once you arrive make sure to get comfortable and begin to get accustomed to the quiet testing environment. Also, remember to put away any distractions that may impair your ability to focus, these may include bracelets, apple watches, or rings.
Now that you are as prepared as possible, put your all into this test and don’t worry about anything else. You are guaranteed to do well as long as you prepare well, now it’s time to rock this test!
If you are looking for study tips please refer to our Studying for the SAT article which includes multiple in depth study tips that you apply not only to the SAT but your midterms.